Everyone's favourite fast food restaurant is extending their opening date. *Ugly Cries* 

This could not have come at a worse time during the #CircuitBreaker period, but fret not! We explored our kitchens a little and realised we can make healthier, fresher, and possibly even tastier burgers in our own homes too! In fact, by making the patties yourself, you can have control over the taste of your patties- whether it’s a  “cafe like” burger (thick, juicy, succulent patties with very strong flavour) or a mac-like burger that’s deep fried and triggers ASMR crunch sound effects.

To each his own, but we prefer the cafe-style type of patty. One thing's for sure - the freshness of the raw ingredients definitely affects the taste and texture of the patties you create. The minced meat selection from Aw’s market is minced fresh daily, delivered easily to your homes, which can then be quickly shaped into the patties you will love. They have three different types of mince: Pork MinceChicken Mince and Beef Mince.

We used The Spruce Eat’s recipe, which is quick, easy and simple. It features a really helpful step by step guide (with pictures!) and even includes storage information if you aren’t planning to eat the burgers immediately. For a more flavourful patty, you could try adding other ingredients such as onions, garlic, or even bacon!